
What is Echolalia?

Genevieve McNamara
March 25, 2024

Echolalia is the repetition of words, phrases, or sentences. Echolalia may be immediate, where the person repeats what they have just heard, or delayed, where they repeat phrases or sentences they have heard in the past. Learn more about how you can support a person who uses Echolalia. 

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Finding Community and Connection

Lauren Fenton
March 25, 2024

Finding community isn’t always easy to do. It can be really scary and difficult putting yourself out there and making these connections. This blog discusses a mother's experience of finding her support network. 

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“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn”

Kaley Gent
March 5, 2024

Makaton is a multimodal communication tool, using signs and/or symbols with speech, in spoken word order, to support the development of essential communication skills such as attention and listening, comprehension, memory, recall and organisation of language and expression. 

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In having you, I found me.

Amy White
March 4, 2024

You’ll of no doubt heard at some point on your parental journey another parent say that having children they lost themselves, it was different for me, I found myself. 

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Building Positive Relationships with School

Cassie Francis
February 29, 2024

As a parent of a child with Special Educational Needs (SEN), establishing a positive and collaborative relationship with your child's school is essential for their academic and personal development. Here, we will discuss the importance of building positive relationships with your child's school, including navigating transitions, understanding the support parents should expect, what to do if support is lacking, and strategies for building a productive working relationship with the school.

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Empowering Your SEN Child: Building self-esteem and resilience

Cassie Francis
February 29, 2024

Every child, including those with SEN, has unique strengths and interests but parenting a child with Special Educational Needs (SEN) often comes with unique challenges too. Learn about different strategies to support your child with SEN to help build their self-esteem and resilience. 

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Helping Parents to Manage, Coordinate & Navigate Care with Hibi

Sam Milliken-Smith
March 13, 2023

The experience for families following a child’s diagnosis, or often lack thereof, can be overwhelming, isolating, and complex. The system and routes to getting support are massively fragmented, with parents often left responsible for coordinating care.

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September…The Starting Point

Samantha Dholakia
August 29, 2022

Whether your child is new to school life, new to the year group or new to the class, September is a starting point for all. It can be challenging in many ways for parents, staff and children as they try to navigate new routines, expectations and roles.

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Tips for Reducing Separation Anxiety

Sarah Billingham
August 4, 2022

Separation anxiety is a natural part of childhood development. Often this first kicks in when a baby is about six months old and can be a relatively regular occurrence throughout their toddler years. However, at times of significant change such as starting school, moving home, a new baby in the family or having a new nanny can bring the anxiety back to the surface.

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Tips for Building Attention Skills

Sarah Billingham
August 1, 2022

Attention and listening skills are the bedrock of language development and allow us to learn other skills. Learning to focus is a really important part of early development that helps us to listen to others and engage in shared activities. But how can we help our children to develop their attention skills?

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The SEN Expert offers a range of services for young people, families and schools. We offer support for parents to help navigate the complex world of Special Educational Needs. We will work with you closely to ensure the best for your child.

The SEN Expert was set up by Claire in 2021 following a successful career spanning 12 years in school improvement, special educational needs, safeguarding and the arts.

Claire has worked as a Deputy Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher, Consultant and SENCO in both state and private schools in inner city London, the Southwest, the Midlands and the USA.

Throughout her career, Claire has ensured solid outcomes for the young people she has worked with. Be that a set of good exam grades, a placement in specialist setting or getting a part time job.

Claire is a working mother, and understands the challenges parents face trying to ensure their children are happy and successful. We aim to provide young people with a creative route to the personal and professional adult life they deserve.

Claire sits outside a café with a laptop

SEN consultancy
with a difference.

We offer support for families, children, and schools to navigate the complex world of SEN.

Check out our full list of services at our website www.thesenexpert.co.uk or follow us on Instagram @senexpert for daily advice on special educational needs.

The SEN Expert is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 13523478.